07 November 2009
Klutz with a K
27 October 2009
20 July 2009
It's Time to Put My Big Girl Panties On
17 June 2009
Run Chubbs, Run!
02 June 2009
Profound Thoughts
Now, I realize that I have becomesfiercely (bordering on offensively) opinionated in my old age, but has no one ever told these people that it is not appropriate? Because what ever happened to customer service? Being a decent human being? Helping others? And in general not being a dick? I just don't understand.....
21 May 2009
20 April 2009
Mira gets mobile
Jetty will be over momentarily to do some distance reiki which seems to help.....But in the meantime she is sucking on Sausage's ear.
07 April 2009
Earthquakes make my tummy hurt.
That's probably pretty terrible to say right?
30 March 2009
I *will* conquer the bread....
1 1/2 tbs dry active yeast (is it really advisable to use the non active stuff?)
1 1/2 tbs kosher salt
3 cups lukewarm water
3 1/2 cups wheat pastry flour
3 cups white flour
Mix it all up and let it sit on your counter for about 2 hours. Punch the dough down again with a little kneading, and let rise again for another 2 or so hours. Punch down and knead and place in bread pan or whatever you would like to bake it all up in, and let rise again to desired height (another 2 or so hours). At this point those little yeasties have worked purty hard and should make a lovely bread. Bake @ 350 for about 45 minutes.
28 March 2009
Earthquakes, Bears, Volcanoes, Oh my...
23 March 2009
Back from the 'Banks
Today has been spent tying up loose ends and crunching numbers and making multiple trips to the bank. I know. It would be so much easier if I did all my maths first, but I like to keep stashing little bits of cash away at a time. Ha! Soon I will be toddling down to the bookstore to sell them some old books, and if I can't control myself (which is totally probable) I will come home with some more. Sshhh...Don't tell G.
19 March 2009
O.M.G. Too much of the cute
Can we just talk about how freakin cute this bird is for a sec? As in, fit in the palm of your hand? Or ride around in your pocket to stare up at you with those big eyes to say "Yes I know you want to go to Hogwarts....You're purty." See?! Cutest thing ever.
This little guy is a Saw-Whet Owl. And I have to have one. So I can then start wearing cowboy shirts with breast pockets and let him live there.
And I would name him Peter. Or Mable. Yes....Mable.....
17 March 2009
Missing Booger....
16 March 2009
Branching Out
14 March 2009
Big dreams and procrastination are my middle name...
I also applied for Bust's Spring Fling Craftacular in Brooklyn. Ha! If I actually make it in I will be beyond myself with 'holy shit.' A new system will have to be thought of. Much more inventory stocked. And a garden dress. I will need a new garden dress and some white gloves. kthnxbai.
11 March 2009
Unapologetic Hipster
09 March 2009
Blueberry-Banana muffin-gasm
1 3/4 cups flour (I use wheat, but whatevs)
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup apple sauce
1 egg
1/4 cup honey
3 whole mashed 'nanas
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups blueberries.
Stir and drop into your muffin pans. This recipe makes enough for a pan of the full size and a pan of the minis (because 8 minis are equivalent to a regular one right? Don't judge me). 350* for approx 15 minutes. What does that all spell? Love and deliciousness.
*le sigh* Now pass the muffins before someone gets hurt.
08 March 2009
Psychics and Mediums and Palm Readers Oh My....
Quick recap: I have digestive issues (uh huh), and can be very stubborn. I would die planting my flag for a cause I felt strongly about.....and I have quite a few stars on my hands. Stars mean magic *squeal* I am just realizing my 'spiritual' path and will eventually be a teacher on that path. I have had 3 pregnancies, only one of which I knew about (a miscarriage not so long ago)....and will have 2 children. And I am decendent from royalty.
So of course I had to check this all out with my favorite medium, and that was equally as world rockingly awesome! In short: I am not decendant from royalty, I was royalty. Most likely Atlantean which is why I am so drawn to the Mystery School - Merlin was the last of the Atlanteans. She also said (without any prompting or knowing about my palm) that I just started on a new path and I would eventually be a teacher. Hot damn! And while making a long tube with her hands, asked if I had unusual pets. Yup. And did they poop a lot? Yup. That I am like them in that I have no use for things or people that do nothing for me and thus poop them out. Ha! Not that I'm a user, but I'm not the person to make small talk and go out to eat if we have nothing in common and we aren't going to be bffs. Ha!
The new jewelry did well. My readings f'en rocked. And I can once again focus on getting the jewelry buttoned up as my 3 months in the bead store are finally over. Hot damn! It's all too exciting!!! And I'm sure I'm officially queen of the dorks but I don't care. Because remember - I was a queen.
06 March 2009
Subway has life saving abilities
So now I'm full of a foot long ham and american cheese on wheat bread and gobs of lettuce sub....and starting to feel a bit human again. Though I might need some sort of pokey device to put my eyeballs back in if they do indeed fall out. It's totally a possibility.
EDIT: Yeah, I totally yarked that sub up 2 hours later.
05 March 2009
I don't know why it bothers me....but it does.
Maybe I'm overreacting. But I don't think that's acceptable. What would they say if I said things had slowed down and we need their money more than a blood transfusion? Would they buy something that they weren't going to buy anyway? Probably not. So it doesn't matter.
For the record things are fine. It's Alaska in the winter, and we have just recently crossed into the more than 6 hours of daylight category. So no wonder people aren't shoving money in anyone's face right now - they are too busy being glued to their SAD lights and just trying to make it through a gloomy, cold winter. Who could blame them?
So help me out here. Do you think it's ok to ask strangers about their business? B is my baby. Though most certainly not in the literal sense, I have put just as much blood, sweat, tears and hard earned cash into her as any parent with one or 20 children. I'm very protective of people who nay say her, or feel that can comment on that which they don't know......so pat me on the shoulder or tell me to pull my head out of my ass. Either way, what do you think?
28 February 2009
A little game we like to call: Shopping With the Pauper
I would so love to stimulate the economy and put these in my kitchen. But my economy needs some stimulating first. Humph.
The Coolest F Word Ever Deserves a F*n Shout
Well wait. It all went downhill when someone got jealous and needed to change the roles. Now, I'm not asking that we go back to the way things were 6,000 years ago, I'm just asking that everyone take a step back and realize that women have not always been seen as a fragile, stupid breed. By removing the Goddess and all she stood for from the public light, and in turn actually condemning those who continued to follow her ways, women were stepped on. This marked the beginning of the end. Adam and Eve? Eve ate an apple from the serpent. The serpent is a representation of the Goddess. Thus, the ways of the Goddess are wrong, and look, we wrote it in this handy little book full of stories for you to refer to later and we will then use it as a justification.
I have this sticker on my refrigerator. This morning Galen asked me what I planned to do about all of it. I just want people, men and women both, to take a step back and realize that the structure of this society is dictated by a bunch of old men 4,000 years ago. Someone got in a bee in their bonnet and had to fuck us all over. Again, men and women alike. So seriously, take up the cause. Educate yourself. And remember that there is a strength in all of us older than that "good book" which we can draw from to fullfill our potential.
27 February 2009
26 February 2009
Support Handcrafted. Support Local.
We've all been inudated with the news and overall economic worries. We're all feeing this "recession" and wondering if collectively we will make it out intact. For the little guy it's even more of a worry. I had an awesome conversation today with a customer in the shop about supporting local and supporting handmade, especially in these hard times. She has decided to forego ordering from catalogs and skipping the big box stores in favor of giving her business to the locally grown and crafted outlets. These are your neighbors that you are supporting. This is their livelihood.
There are so many ways that you can make your dollar go further and help those around you. Whether you shop for handmade in your own town or check out websites like 1000markets.com or etsy.com, give the little guy a leg up. Need something that isn't handmade? Yarn? Comic Books? Books in general? Give your local mom and pop a look and leave Wal Mart to the other guy. When splurging on dinner check out the local flavor and forego the chains.
By supporting each other we'll all come out on the other side all the better for it.
Viva Handmade!