10 May 2010

The good with the bad....and the caffiene.

Like any job, being self employed has its advantages and disadvantages. There is a lot of freedom which seems to be the big draw and point of interest to many people. Yet, what happens behind the scenes is where the magic happens. You think about what needs to happen when you wake up, in the shower, writing notes to yourself with a toothbrush in your mouth....phone calls, self promotion....media of all outlets...and you continue to work/call/think as you fall asleep....and then dream about it. (are you seeing it? You work all the time....) You need drive. You need a great support system. And you need a giant hanging IV bag of coffee. This is what has been going through my mind today as I rode my bike downtown to meet a friend for a lovely breakfast, and then stopped at the office supply store on my way home. And now, for whatever reason I am exhausted beyond belief (a fantastic breakfast discussion - getting out of bed can be so hard) but I have *updated my catalog *updated and ordered business cards *reordered stickers *blogged *and consumed half a pot of coffee. Oh, and it's 11am. I will say this, if I decided I wanted to take a nap, I'm pretty sure my boss would be ok with it....

08 May 2010

It's not that I'm anti-kid.....

It's just very unfortunate that I rarely see examples of well behaved children. It seems a lack of follow through from the parent's side of things. For example, when your 2 year old runs up to a pot of flowers and starts picking them, it's not really cool to say "oh, isn't she cute!" No. I gaurentee that the owner of those flowers (in this situation me) does not think it's cute. They had been outside for 2 days and now they are shredded. As a child I wouldn't have dreamt of doing such a thing. I recall being terrified of my neighbors and most certainly didn't touch anything in stores (they were for big people and it was a big treat that I was allowed to go in). Now, I'm not tooting my own horn here, it has been verified by unbiased sources I was not a jackhole kid (that happened later...). So when kids come in and start throwing rice from displays around, smearing makeup on every surface he can reach and screaming at "the doggy" I can sure as shit gaurentee that is not cute...

I know people look at me as the baby hater. I'm not. I'm an irresponsible parent hater. Which in turn makes me snub the kids. So, if you want to break the stereotype that "kids these days" aren't as out of control as they really are, don't be that guy who thinks it's really cute. Say no. And then we don't have to be baby haters....

....and I'm pretty sure you all hate me now...but I think I'm ok with that....