23 March 2009

Back from the 'Banks

Jetty Mae and I took the ever so loverly road trip up to Fairbanks (approx 6 hours) for the Women's Show. *le sigh* Those be my peeps. Always good to see the folks who remember us from year to year and tell us how they are collecting our jewelry. It makes my heart go pitter patter...sort of like prom night. But without the ripped dress. Anyhoodle! Our first night in the hotel was spent with a hockey team (see? I knew you were wondering where I was going with the ripped prom dress thing)...in the room directly above us. I think they were practicing their skating on the floor or perhaps checking each other into the wall.....But Goddess bless the front desk clerks and the manager for changing our room the next night and refunding our monies. Yay!

Today has been spent tying up loose ends and crunching numbers and making multiple trips to the bank. I know. It would be so much easier if I did all my maths first, but I like to keep stashing little bits of cash away at a time. Ha! Soon I will be toddling down to the bookstore to sell them some old books, and if I can't control myself (which is totally probable) I will come home with some more. Sshhh...Don't tell G.

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